
You would like to participate?

We look forward to hearing from you!

Vaccine-injured people are left alone by society. Their often severe physical impairments are not taken seriously. Abused, threatened, declared mentally ill - these experiences leave their mark. Please contact us if you would like to participate in a workshop series.

Do you suffer from vaccine damage? Would you like to draw attention to your situation without being personally attackable?

Interested? Please contact us!

Just Human Expression

The impairments in the two and a half years of pandemic measures have left their mark. Whether it was the experience of being cut off, of being locked in, or even the experience that only a narrow corridor of discussion was or is treadable. We offer individual workshops on demand. But even the smaller themes of life deserve to be expressed artistically. From reflection on oneself, observing physical reaction, feelings and thoughts in relation to material and form, collective works of art emerge along personal development. You shape a work of art in the same way as you are placed in it, you express yourself individually and at the same time you are integrated and protected. This experience has a lasting positive effect on you, the work of art remains and touches its viewers.

Interested? Please contact us!
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